
APREMAVI- Associação de Preservação do Meio-Ambiente do Alto Vale do Itajaí
(Association for the Preservation of the Upper Itajaí Valley)


IPE - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas
(Institute for Ecological Research)


Instituto Rã-Bugio para conservação da Biodiversidade
(Rã-Bugio Institute for Biodiverisity Conservation)




Niugini Wildlife 

NP Executive Director, William Dent, during his visit to Papua New Guinea in June 2008 met leaders of Niugini Wildlife, which for over 10 years has been working on important environmental issues in the highlands of PNG. The attached 'Executive Summary' provides an overview of the work of Niugini Wildlife. We hope to begin to collaborate with them on specific projects in the near future.


SPVS- Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental
(Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education)


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